Thursday, December 20, 2012

Rob Parker and the people who hate him

So I was going to do a post on Rob Parker a lot earlier, but I decided I'd wait until I saw the whole show and digested everything he actually said, and make my call.  In short, I delved too deep.  You're gonna see what I'm talking about.  Look at the segment in it's entirety:

And then part 2:

I do like that Steven A. tried to at least inform Rob Parker that he was saying some dumb shit that was about to get him fired/suspended, while simultaneously putting a very positive spin back on it.  Of course, Skip Bayless then asks a ridiculous person a ridiculous question, about his braids.  At that point, I was convinced--he's drunk.  Rob Parker came in drunk that day, you can see it in his eyes, he's not making any sense.  He's not even pretending that facts matter.  He's "Glenn Beck-ing" it.  How are you going to come on a nationally televised broadcast with some garbage people said in the barbershop.  DRUNK.  I'll accept an apology from Rob Parker and if he actually says he was intoxicated, talking about his white fiancee, and maybe I don't know, is a Republican ("I'm asking questions!"), I swear I'll believe he was.  As soon as the braids comment came back, changing RGIII from cornball brother to brother within 20 seconds.  You poor. drunken. stooge.


Oh, there is a but!  I always play that game.  Whenever someone does some stupid in the public sphere.  Everybody has to get their little two cents in (including me).  Most of these people might just be your everyday troll, but others might actually have some degree of public influence.  Those select few people have a duty.  It's a very simple duty.  That duty is called "don't be a complete psychopath with a microphone in your hands."  Condemning the actions of one, while simultaneously exposing your own craziness.  Check out this ball of sunshine and see if you can pinpoint where this video goes from funny to straight up Uncle Ruckus.  Peep the video.

This shit was like a suspense thriller!  Dude was funny, I was laughing and then: "BLACK WOMEN MADE HIM DO IT!! THE WORST EVIL ON THE PLANET!!"

What. The. Fuck.  And he's not joking.  Follow the guy on twitter @tjsotomayor.  He's a radio personality in Atlanta (which leads me again to ask the question: what the hell is in the water in Atlanta?)  Actually, don't follow him, just look.  You'll be tired after two minutes.  You'll see a timeline full of black women are nappy whores and evil and this and that.  What planet is this?

Rob Parker...and the people who hate him.  Do you go with the devil you know?


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